EMDR Intensives: Full-Day Immersions in Healing Work
If you are looking for a place to spend some extra time digging into your personal work, EMDR intensives could be a good option. Designed to bring more expedient relief from suffering through in-depth trauma work over the course of an entire day, intensives are personalized to fit your unique experiences and needs.
Who facilitates the intensives? Currently Dr. McGowan facilitates all intensives; however, in the future intensives may be available through other providers in our practice as well.
Who are intensives for? Ideal candidates for EMDR intensives are individuals motivated to move through past trauma by connecting with and processing their experiences over the course of one extended session rather than (or sometimes in addition to) weekly appointments. For those who are or have been in regular counseling but who are looking to make more progress more quickly, or for those traveling or working and looking for an all-day style of session for logistical reasons, intensives may make sense as well. What can I expect from an intensive? Intensives are highly personalized, but a general outline for the day may look like this: 9am-10am: Preparation (Guided Breathwork, Grounding Meditation, Trauma Mapping, Discussion of Goals) 10am-12pm: EMDR Reprocessing 12pm-1pm: Break (Lunch, Take a Walk, Reset) 1pm-3pm: Somatic Integration, EMDR Reprocessing 3pm-4pm: Wind Down/Closure
How do I sign up for an intensive? Current clients may contact our office about scheduling an intensive. Clients who are not already established with our practice will need to go through an initial screening process to ensure that an intensive will be a good fit for their needs.
When are intensives scheduled? Intensives are normally held on Fridays to enable plenty of space for rest following the intensive. Clients who work traditional Monday-Friday schedules are encouraged to take the day before the intensive to prepare and set intentions for the following day's work.
What is the cost for intensives? The total cost for intensive work varies by insurance plan (deductible, copay, coinsurance, etc.) for those who wish to utilize their benefits. Generally, the first 1-2 hours of the intensive are considered "covered services" by insurance companies, and the remainder of the intensive is considered private pay. Prior to booking, we will discuss finances with you as they pertain to your specific situation.